About Us

The shortest way to talk about ourselves is to tell everything.

Poetic Textile and Medical Products Industry Company directs the sector with its team trained with more than 20 years of textile experience and completed their education in related fields. It produces surgical masks and medical equipment products in full capacity sterile production facility. In addition, our company which provides services in several different areas of the textile sector has turned its production intensity into this sector in order to meet the medical needs due to the pandemic. It has contributed to the action of many big companies and families in Turkey to continue working and living with real protection equipment.

We are a World Wide Manufacturer of Health Products

After our journey which started in Turkey, We continue towards various parts of the world. We are with you at every point of need with our distributor and dealer agreements in 18 different countries.

The Numbers Say It All


Amount of Product Produced


Export to Country


Dealer / Distributor


Team Member